Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Herbal Fragrances in Candles

In the past people have used herbal fragrances to repel insects and hide odors that came from inside their homes.  Herbs were used for a purpose and not for the fragrance that it gave off.  In recent years the herbs have been used to fragrance homes, not to hide odors, but to be an enjoyment and add to a home’s decor. Candles and diffusers are an easy way to spread an intoxicating, unique fragrance throughout your home.

Scented candles get their fragrance from the essential oils that come from the herbs.  The essential oils have been known for their therapeutic and aromatic benefits. The use of essential oils in candles has made them popular over the years providing fragrances that can be enjoyed. Candleinfinity will share some of their popular herbal scented candles with you, visit us at www.candleinfinity.com

Lavender – relaxing, soothing, calming. Lavender is a small shrub with gray leaves and blue to violet flowers. (Archipelago Lavende Candle, Paddywax Lavender and Thyme Candle, Paddywax Lavender Candle, Creative Energy Rosemary and Lavender Candle, Ergo Lavender Candle, Mixture Lauren’s Lavender Garden Candle)

Eucalyptus – relaxing, decongestant. The Eucalyptus tree has silver-green leaves and white flowers. (Creative Energy Peppermint and Eucalyptus Candle, Archipelago Eucalyptus Candle, Ergo Eucalyptus Candle, Dayna Decker Taiga Candle, Paddywax Rosemary and Eucalyptus Candle)

Rosemary- relaxing. Rosemary has evergreen leaves and pale-blue flowers. (Creative Energy Rosemary and Lavender, Ergo Herbal Garden, Paddywax Rosemary and Eucalyptus Candle, Paddywax Rosemary Sage Candle, Paddywax Rosemary Citrus Candle)

Lemongrass- energy boost. Lemongrass has a fresh crisp scent of lemon that comes from the stems of grass. (Paddywax Lemongrass Lavender Candle, Mixture Lavender Lemongrass Candle, Archipelago Lemmongrass Candle, Ergo Monkey Grass Candle, Paddywax Verbena and Lemongrass)

Chamomile – relaxing, calming. (Chamomile has daisy like flowers. Aquiesse Sunflower Candle, Paddywax Chamomile Candle, Votivo Lavender Chamomile Pear Candle)

Jasmine – calming. Jasmine has a sweet smelling flower. (Aquiesse jasmine Hyacinth Candle, Archipelago Jasmine Candle, Aspen Bay Aloha Orchid Candle, Aspen Bay Velvet Moss and Jasmine, Dayna Decker Ella Candle, Ergo Hawaiian Jasmine Candle, Paddywax Jasmine and Bamboo, Vie Luxe Palm Beach)

Cedarwood- calming.  The bark and twigs were used for special therapeutic benefits.  (Archipelago Stonehenge Large Jar Candle, Creative Energy Mountain Grove Candle, Ergo Fresh Bamboo Candle, Paddywax Oscar Wilde Candle, Votivo Deep Clover Candle)

Bergamot- calming. (Bergamot leaves have a citrus-like scent. Aquiesse Golden Amber Candle, Archipelago Bergamot Tobacco Candle, Creative Energy Garden of Eden Candle, Votivo Vanilla Bergamot Blossom Candle, Dayna Decker Amoura Candle)

Ylang-Ylang – calming. An evergreen tree with flowers and green fruit.  (Archipelago Havana Large Jar Candle, Ergo Tahitian Garden Candle, Votivo Clean Crisp White Candle, Vie Luxe Palm Beach Candle, Dayna Decker White Tuberose Candle)

Patchouli – calming. A bush with white flowers. (Aquiesse Pomegranate Sage Candle, Aspen Bay Blue Jean Candle, Creative Energy Mountain Grove Candle, Dayna Decker Manzanita Candle, Ergo Lavender Patchouli Candle, Votivo Amberwood Candle)


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